Sold Selling Selling Mastery Rank 21 Warframe Account for best offer

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by icant, 12/10/17.

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  1. icant

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    Some details about the account, I own all primed warframes excluding Excalibur and Mirage (I have their vanilla versions), I own a wide range of weapons I own every wraith weapon and most vandal and prime weapons. I own a large amount of primed mods and 12 decent rivens. I am maxed standing with Hexis, Suda and Steel Meridian. The account has 30k endo on it and 322 platinum currently. The energy overflow skill is maxed and the operator has a set of magus vigor on his helmet. In addition to this the vazarin health waybound has been unlocked. The operator possesses two gilded amps as well. Let me know a price you think is fair. Contact me at [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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