Sold Selling Selling Master BLM jobs lvled 99 x15/22

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by epicxxx, 6/14/17.

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  1. epicxxx

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    I am the original owner, I have everything for my account Info.
    Server trnasfer: OK
    OO Info: all OK
    SE Q&A: Ok

    Zilart: The Celestial Nexus.
    Chains of Promathia: Dawn.
    Treasures of Aht Urhgan: Playing the Part.
    Mercenary Rank: last mission to get Captain.
    Wings of the Goddess: Lest We Forget.
    Seekers of Adoulin: The Light Within
    Rhapsodies of Vana'diel: Rhapsody for the Ages.
    Delve: 6/6


    Job Points:
    WHM: 562/2100
    BLM: 2100/2100
    BST: 2/2100
    DNC: 119/2100
    SCH: 227/2100
    GEO: 22/2100

    Conquest Sandy: 56569
    Beastmen Seals: 54
    Kindred Seals: 143
    Kindred Crests: 535
    High Kindred Crest: 231
    Sacred Kindred Crests: 191
    Valor Points: 193
    Cinders: 1160
    Daily Tally 3970
    Sparks of Eminence: 70419
    Copper A.M.A.N Vouchers: 97
    Reclamation Marks: 200
    Shining Stars: 1
    Imperial Standing 26811
    Assault L. Sanctum: 2578
    Assault M.J.T.G: 2379
    Assault L. Caver: 2614
    Assault Periqia: 7408
    Assault Ilrusi Atoll: 6786
    Token: 205081
    Imperial Army I.D. Tags 3 (on the last mission for captain.)
    Zeni: 27200
    Jettons: 180
    Therion Ichor: 26760
    Allied Notes: 3977
    Op Credits: 7
    Cruor: 3666497
    Resistance Credits: 719
    Dominion Notes: 79210
    Traverser Stones: 4757
    Voidstones: 1237
    Unity Accolades: 99999
    Rem Chp. 1: 14
    Rem chp. 2: 18
    Rem chp. 3: 16
    Rem chp. 4: 9
    Rem chp. 5: 11
    Rem chp. 6: 15
    Rem chp. 7: 12
    Rem chp. 9: 7
    Rem chp. 10: 11
    Bayld: 725194
    Coalition Imprimaturns: 15
    Kinetic Units: 49752
    Obsidian Frafments: 6050
    Mweya Plasm Corpuscles: 66950
    Escha Silt: 2719450
    Escha Beads: 26969
    Potpourri: 42

    Asking for $320.. Thanks
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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