Sold Selling Selling massive swtor account

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by wookiecookie03, 11/9/16.

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  1. wookiecookie03

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    I am looking to sell my SWTOR Account. I have 9 65s on both Empire and Republic side. and 5 mid toons on both sides as well. I have been playing since launch and have accomplished many titles. I have legend stats on most planets as well as the gree and rakghol events. I have many sets of gear (such as the revan reborn set), weapons and crystals that are opened account wide for all toons. I also have a fully opened yavin strong hold with expensive decorations. I went through a mount craze as well and have many expensive mounts that are also opened account wide. Many of the items I have are not sold anymore. Also have some credits saved on the account as well. I have been more of a PVP player so all my 65s are fully geared and augmented with the best gear. But I also have a couple sets of PVE gear full 220. I have just on my main toon almost 200,000 warzone coms saved. IF you are interested and want to see my account I can happily go on skype and show you anything you would like to see. Or take pics for you and show you. I am looking to get $300. If interested please let me know. Email is [email protected] Thank you.
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