Sold Selling Selling massive swtor account

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dek-Tarn, 10/19/16.

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  1. Dek-Tarn

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    Im looking to sell my account, Located on The Red Eclipse.
    I mainly PVE, but i have also done PVP

    Vanity Items:
    i have alot of these so much i cannot remember them all, wisper to know for a specific
    Crest of the Dread Masters x 2
    Wings of the Architect x2 sent and sage
    tank mount from ec
    tfb nim last boss mount on mara
    Nightmare Decorations such as Commemorative Statue of Dread Master Bronte's
    NiM Titles:
    The Eternal Warrior on 2-3 chars
    Gate Crasher x2
    From Beyond and Dargonslayer on some rep chars and imp chars
    Warstalker on some chars

    Raiding Characters all have Best in Slot gear fully augmented and suited to there roles. these are the chars that are bis gear
    Sage - 65 dps
    Sorcerer - 65 dps
    Sentinel - 65 Damage
    marauder - 65 dps (except one implant)
    commando - 65 dps
    merc - 65 dps

    My sorc has full pvp gear bis (BiS is opinion based)

    (BiS is opinion based)

    i also have many more 65 chars

    i have rare items unlocked in collections / and also ready to unlock such as tulak hords armour, sith recluse set, xoxaan set, unstable light saber (single), defiant vented saber (single) plus other rare items, again too many to list the above are the rarest ones

    between 43 - 45 mil credits

    payment and trade MUST be done in person (dundee, scotland) (no exceptions)

    price on request, price on travel may be taken into account

    pm for more info or if interested
    can speak on skype at dek-tarn

    great account for starting 5.0

    - - - Updated - - -

    also dark vs light is done 100%
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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