Sold Selling Selling lvl 102 VIP 12 account on server 148 [50€]

Discussion in 'Heroes Charge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Justwanttogetridofit, 6/14/17.

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  1. Justwanttogetridofit

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    Level 102 account, vip 12, server 148.
    -Owns 6 well geared Red +2 heroes, which are pretty much the best heroes in the game. (TF, TP, Sorc, Rabbit, WP, RF)
    -13 mostly well geared Red +1 heroes
    -12 Red +0 heroes
    -Over 50 5 star heroes and 56 lvl 102 heroes.
    -78k/103k xp for lvl up.
    -Doesn't own lot of gold or gems atm. (816 gems and 4,5m gold) But u can do Crusade twice a day, one with one team, other raid instantly.

    -Bought this account from my best friend couple weeks ago, for 30€ (Rly cheap) And now selling it for 50€

    Price: 50€

    U can also contact me in LINE (mobile app) , my id there is "addatkaa" (without "")
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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