Sold Selling selling lv 99 rank 5k+

Discussion in 'Seven Knights Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by baotran1, 9/8/17.

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  1. baotran1

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    one account lvl 99 rank 5k+
    +hidden master
    kalahan 46+10 (upto 52)
    kyrielle 46+10 (upto 58)
    eslysia 46+10 (upto 58)
    miho 44+10
    yeonhee 40+10 (upto 42)
    roro 30+5
    + 4 lord
    -lubu rin wukong ace 46+5 (up to 5x)
    +4 OL
    - teo karma kyle 46+5 ( upto 5x)
    ++ 7knights
    all 46
    -rudy 46+5(upto 48)
    -elience 46+5( upto 50)
    -rachel46+5(upto 48)
    -spike 46+5(upto 50)
    -jave 46+5(upto 50)
    -dellon 46+5( upto 48)
    -kris 46+5
    ++ hero awaken
    -sieg . ariel .sniper 46+5
    -jupy , shane knox . rook46+5
    -karin . evan yuri 46+5
    -chancellor balista chole lina 46+5
    -ruri esspada li nia 44+5
    +++** PET
    pocong 4*- jave 4*- ruu5*- dellon 4*
    guardian ring 4 hit immu x2-
    2 hit immu
    team tank full acces death
    team dame full acces cc
    price 500$

    contact fb of me :

    - - - Updated - - -

    + akuma 40 for tower and abyss or tatarus Ign is AS一Sam

    - - - Updated - - -

    Have 4 lords jewel for tank team

    - - - Updated - - -

    karl heron 38 (upto 40)

    - - - Updated - - -

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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