Sold Selling Selling level 187 account with 1 DF and many epics

Discussion in 'Knights & Dragons Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Maaupa, 7/18/16.

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  1. Maaupa

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    I got an very old account level 187 with dragonforged Primal Alphamail level 104/105 and a lot of maxed epics like:

    Robes of Permafrost
    Glacial Regalia
    Judge's Platemail
    Magebane Aegis
    Dragonkin Platemail
    Rockplate Wargear
    Brightwind Platemail
    Poseidon's Vestments
    Vargar Raiment
    Ravage Shieldplate
    Guardian Wargear
    Horde Wargear
    Arcane Mantle
    Maelstrom Irons
    Aegis of Sky Majesty

    and many others un-leveled epics

    I got 23 million gold and 0 gems

    If you want any more information or photos please contact Maaupa on line! (Dolomite) Of course if you are interested
    Selling the account for 75 dollar. Open for negotiation
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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