Selling Selling Legendary Founder w/perk and 2nd Veteran Founder pack together $70

Discussion in 'Albion Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by gkappny, 12/22/16.

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  1. gkappny

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    Hi all,

    Selling Legendary founder pack with 1600 in Gold attached to the account which I bought while playing in the Beta.

    Also a 2nd account with different email login is also attached to this offer, it's a Veteran level pack. I was in a very intense guild where the multiple accounts helped as one being the main and the other a crafting centric account.

    Will accept ONLY paypal and before transaction is complete you will give me a password to change in game for you and then I will send emails to you for login in for the first time to change over account properly.

    msg me with questions and thanks for your time. :)
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