Sold Selling Selling Kickstarter Ruby w/ Mountain Citadel $1200

Discussion in 'Crowfall Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Agilwulf, 7/12/17.

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  1. Agilwulf

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    I have a Ruby kickstarter account that I converted some things in and am now selling for $1200. Before the new castle/plot store upgrade or whatever it was I melted the castles/keeps/forts, injected about $100, and traded them for a mountain citadel and three small castles. They're selling just the mountain citadel for $5,000 and the small castles for $1,500 now. So to buy all this stuff now (and they wouldn't even be the kickstarter editions) it would cost about $10,000. Lots of other things from the original Ruby package and kickstarter goals.

    Let me know if you're interested, post or PM an offer.

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