Sold Selling Selling khux na with kairi ex, aced ex and sephiroth ex

Discussion in 'Kingdom Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by AD_Lirio, 11/29/17.

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  1. AD_Lirio

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    Selling 415 days old KHUx NA account.

    Spent so much time, effort, and money on this account.
    It has a lot of amazing medals including the following:

    Illustrated Kairi [EX] BOOSTED - guilt 200%
    Sephirot [EX] - 3 dots
    HD Aced [EX] - 3 dots
    Illustrated Marluxia [EX]
    KH III Sora [EX]
    Illustrated KH II Kairi - guilt 150%
    King's Roar
    Key Art#12
    SP Vanitas - 3 dots
    HD Xion - guilt 180%
    Key Art #4 - guilt 150%
    Toon Ventus - guilt 150%
    Twilight Thorn - guilt 130%
    KH 0.2 Kairi - 3 dots
    HD Naminé - guilt 150%
    Illustrated Kairi

    and much more!

    Pictures on this link

    Contact me here or on discord. Andre#0183
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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