Sold Selling Selling KHUX (JP) end game account, kairi EX all foretellers, Xehonort ex, etc

Discussion in 'Kingdom Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Sheratonyx, 12/15/17.

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  1. Sheratonyx

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    Selling my KHUX JP account. Have to stray away from gacha games for abit for Christmas gifts. The account is all caught up on story and has almost all keyblades at level 25 +. Inventory space is stacked with evolve materials, mirrors, brooms, M&Bs. There are over 100 guilted medals and several that can be guilted with the available medals. There are several Premium/ VIP avatar Boards as well as pet parts. Every VIP medal since anniversary is available, several with EXTRA ATTACK.


    Most notable medals:
    Kairi EX second chance 3
    Ava EX (Boosted) lux+ atb xl
    Ira EX Lux +atb xl 2
    Aced EX Lux+ atb xl 2
    Gula EX Lux+ ab XL
    Xehanort EX (Boosted) atb xl 2
    Sora EX
    Xion HD (Boosted)
    Namine HD (Boosted)
    Valor Genie (HSC)
    King Triton (HSC)
    Sora TOON magic carpet (Extra Attack)

    Lots of great traits and PET LEVEL 5. More in the pics below.

    I am most definitely looking to sell so don't feel discouraged by the price, I am accepting reasonable offers.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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