Sold Selling Selling Keep 25 in Server 47

Discussion in 'Evony Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by emptyrush, 6/30/17.

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  1. emptyrush

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    Currently ranked in the top 20 and is a part of the top 3 alliance

    Server: 47
    Power: 35 million +
    Monarch lvl: 24
    Vip lvl: 14 remaining 440 days
    Troop Count: 790K (260K cavs, 230K archer, 185 K infantry, 115K siege T10 )
    Traps: 80K +

    Most construction at level 20 except for army camps.
    Hospital, archer, stable , army, rally point, warehouse all at level 25.

    Sub Cities:
    6 blue sub & 2 green sub

    12 gold historic 15 purple historic
    6 more general scrolls unopen

    90% defence and attack tech is above level 10.

    Millions of resources in boxes
    Months worth of speedup
    300+ advance teleport
    30K unspend gems
    1 month worth of bubble.

    Looking to sell it for $1500. I'm quitting game altogether. The experience and camaraderie is real but sometimes you have outgrown the game. 100% Really well taken off account.

    Fastest way to contact me is via mail [email protected]

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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