Selling Selling iOS knd account!

Discussion in 'Knights & Dragons Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by NathanAdvise, 4/8/17.

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  1. NathanAdvise

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    This account doesn't have much in terms of armors but it's a great start. The account is lvl 200 with 2 dragonforged and some epic pluses. The castle is always maxed (training fields upgraded to the golden stage). The 2 dragonforged are shamrocks blessings (with the jewelry)(lvl 65) and the other one is spectral vanguard (lvl36). But the best part of this account is the fact that is comes with a maxed guild. The guild name is "the distant shadows". I'm looking for about $25 in almost any form. You can contact me on line at (Nathan.advise) or on steam (which might chsnge) MDR.advise. Have a good day.
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