Sold Selling Selling iop 200, eni 199 geared, dofus pets DODGE server (Dofus Touch)

Discussion in 'Dofus Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by leeshao, 10/29/17.

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  1. leeshao

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    As title say, i'm selling a Iop female level 200, scrolled Str n wis, more than capable for frigost 3, 4k achiv points, bank valuable more than 40mk, One pet from dofus pets.

    Selling eni lv 199 full heals, easily capable of frigost 3.

    Livi and parasimbic items lv 20.

    Iop 150 EUR
    Eni 60 EUR

    If buy both, 180 EUR
    Only paypal and paysafecard.

    For any info PM me here or on skype : leeshao121
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