Selling Selling Instagram. Account with almost 10k Pet Lovers

Discussion in 'Instagram Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Milwood26, 11/26/16.

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  1. Milwood26

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    I am selling because i have no time to grow it as i should.

    It hurts my heart becuase i started out as an experiment and i make over $1000 with this account + playerup (i would use it to advertise) Now i anly use it to promote Shirts and My youtube Channel.


    Thats proof that i made money with my account in the past week.

    The general rule of thumb is 10x Profit which is about $400 but i am selling for :

    $270 - Instagram. account only
    $400 - Viral Website ( + Dropshipping Store ( + Instagram. Account
    $470 - Viral Website ( + Dropshipping Store ( + Instagram. Account + Youtube Account 18k Views . over $15 in ad revenue (123 Subs) (56 videos)

    Hit me up at [email protected] i reply real quick

    i take payment via paypal . I will send you an invoice and you will pay then i will tranfer the accounts. If you dont know with paypal you can file a complaint if there is any probs. I am sure they wont be any probs .
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