Selling Selling Humanian 3pc elite EGG Mage

Discussion in 'Pocket Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Asdefpl, 9/7/16.

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  1. Asdefpl

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    -Monarch Helm Cap71 Hat
    -Golden Dragon Set
    -2011 Witch Hat 2x
    -Arcane Demon Lord Helm
    -Bigger Luck (Best Luck Hat)
    -Devil Horns
    -Forgotten power Helm
    -Forgotten Treasure Helm
    -Frosy Nog
    -Gratitude Helmet
    -ALL AVANGER VANİTİES and WEAPONS (Furious EyePatch,JusticeShield 5x,Pa's Lucky memorial Cap İron man Hat 6x trickster staff 10lvl ,eagle eye bow20lvl,10 lvl thunder hammer)
    -Green and santa caps
    -Pumpkin head of terror
    -Undead Set
    -Christmax Tree Hat2x
    -ORANGE,Red,Blue,Green Uniformas
    -BLue lava Set
    -Holiday Helper outfit
    -All angel vanities and sets
    -Snowflake Wings
    Green evi
    -cage shield
    -green head zombie
    -flaming pumpkin shield
    -gold and silver pl shield
    -golden purp green and 2x crimson holo shield
    -Super MOM and valentine flower shields
    -Spooky Shield
    -Dark Legends Shields
    All Spider pets
    All Dragon pets
    Balloons red orange blue white green
    +20x platin pet
    Kik ign:maykhasan
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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