Sold Selling Selling High Level Top Tier Tales of Link account

Discussion in 'Tales of Pirates Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by CosmicWings, 5/23/17.

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  1. CosmicWings

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    2.7k Sages
    2.8k Lavender
    3.2k Rosemary
    11 6* units
    6 5* units that are capable of becoming 6*
    Some of these units may become 6* by the time of transaction
    Total of 143 5* units
    Many arte healers and many delayers both 1 turn and 2 turn delayers
    12 different UR Mystic artes
    11 Goddess' Love to upgrade UR Mystic artes of your choosing
    Many UR++ weapons

    Looking for paypal, can be through paypal invoice or through ebay for more secure selling/buying.
    PM me offers
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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