Hello everyone, I am selling my Hearthstone account, also having progress on Overwatch, WoW and HoTS. Hearthstone (some progress): - Control Warlock Deck - Quest Rogue Deck - Evolve Shaman Deck - Quest Warrior Deck - Mid Range Hunter Deck - Mid Range Priest Deck - 11 legendaries - 2790 Dust - 130 Gold - 300 Total Arena Wins - 1979 Total Wins - 395 Total Level - Maiev Hero - 32 card backs (one of them is from purchasing WoW) Overwatch (purchased + some progress): - Level 84 - 1035 gold Skins: - Bastion (2 epic; 3 rare) - D. Va (2 rare) - Genji (2 legendary: Oni, Nomad; 2 rare) - Junkrat (1 legendary: Hayseed) - Lucio (1 epic; 3 rare) - McCree (2 rare) - Mei (1 legendary: Firefightier; 3 rare) - Mercy (2 rare) - Orisa (1 rare) - Pharah (1 epic; 2 rare) - Reaper (1 legendary: Nevermore) - Reinhardt (1 legendary: Blackhardt; 1 rare) - Rodhog (1 legendary: Sharkbait; 2 rare) - Symetra (3 rare) - Torbjorn (1 legendary: Deadlock; 1 epic) - Tracer (1 legendary: Ultraviolet) - Widowmaker (2 legendaries: Odette, Noire) - Winston (1 rare) - Zenyatta (1 epic; 1 rare) World of Warcraft (purchased + some progress): - One level 100 character - The account has no subscription anymore Heroes of the Storm (some progress): - Player level 154 - 3200 gold - 150 gems - 19 skins (not colors) I am the original owner of the account. If you are interested or if you have any question please contact me on skype at: zabuza_01