Selling Selling Selling HC account LVL 96 VIP 5 Server 120 - Super Price = 30$

Discussion in 'Heroes Charge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by drazenx, 7/18/16.

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  1. drazenx

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    Heroes Charge Lvl 96 vip 5 account for sale.
    Have 8300 gems (+200 Gems each day just due to 4 open mines possible at VIP 5)
    42k Arena gems
    26k Guild coins
    24k Crusade coins

    73 heroes unlocked
    36 - 5 star heroes
    1 red+1 hero
    11 red heroes
    14 O2 and O1 (Lots of other heroes can be promoted to O/R, but I did not bother yet)

    Account will be sold with g-mail account or with transfer of the game account (whichever you prefer..) Payment using Paypal..
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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