Account 1: Rank 103 17 SSR, notably Hades, Baha, Anubis, Orchid,Summer Zooey, Vira, also Ayer and Cag if you decide you wanna start up earth. Has 2 Damascus bars in inventory, none from the shop have been touched/ 600 1/2 ap pots and over 1000 berries Pictures: Account 2 is sold Account 2: Rank 115 37 SSR Characters: includes Summer Zooey, Summer Beatrix, Summer Izmir and Summer Korwa. Core dark chars Djeanne and Vira(5* lvl 100) as well as core fire characters Percival and Yuel (both 5* lvl 100) Summons: Mlb Agni, 2x Shiva(Pretty much everything you need summons-wise for your fire-meme needs), Odin, and Hades. Multiple SR carbuncles for every element. 1 sunlight stone in inventory Has 5 Damascus bars left in the shop, 1 gold brick currently in inventory. 1FLB Gisa and 1 2* Gisla, 1 true xeno ifrit axe and 1 0* xeno axe. over 1000 1/2 ap pots and over 1000 berries, and a Gold Seal so you can get in on a Qilin/Huanglong train of your choice. Pictures: Discord: Balor Gaze#5968 Feel free to message me here or on discord, preferably discord as i'm logged in almost all the time, for more info, or with an offer.