Message me for details or API key, of course there's legendary and skins like molten jetpack. I highly encourage you to message me for details should you be interested. I can provide you a lot of information. http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1492226621/tov01jfjnkwxaloiprvr.jpg Have HOT of course Professions: -Reaper (Necromancer) -Druid (Ranger) -Scrapper (Engineer) -Herald (Revenant) -Chronomancer (Mesmer) -Tempest (Elementalist) Legendaries: -Bolt -The Juggernaut -Eternity -The Bifrost -The Flameseeker prophecies Ascended sets: -A whole medium ascended armor set with all ascended trinkets -Two whole light ascended armor set with one set of ascended trinkets Have Decorative Molten Jetpack and a bunch of other stuff Selling for 220 USD