Selling [Selling] selling GW2 ACCOUNT more info inside the thread

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Hellwater92, 3/13/22.

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  1. Hellwater92

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    EU account, server desolate, 4 level 80 characters, thief, elementalist, necromancer and engineer, infinite gathering toolset VOLATILE, copper o matic salvage, all expansions including end of dragons. achievement points 2800+, 6 character slots, had the account since 2014, original owner. PRICE 130 euro.

    here's my api key if you wanna have a gander 4FBB4390-5C03-F043-9D78-9193844246E2A1599915-3804-43A2-9B79-876B5036EB54

    we must use trusted MM.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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