Sold Selling Selling global lvl88 account

Discussion in 'Seven Knights Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by xx20, 11/3/16.

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  1. xx20

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    IGN 20XX

    40 wu
    40 eileen
    36 ace
    36 lubu
    36 spike
    36 kris
    34 rudy
    34 rin
    34 rachel
    32 dellons
    30 karma
    30 jave

    40 xiao
    40 feng
    40 guan yu
    40 rei
    40 daisy
    40 lina
    40 alice
    40 blackrose
    40 seig
    40 shane
    40 nia
    40 espada
    40 ruri
    40 may
    40 velika
    40 victoria
    40 karon
    40 ling ling
    38 yushin
    38 yushin
    38 noho
    38 bailong
    38 lania
    36 asura
    36 soi
    36 mingming
    36 chancellor
    34 gip
    34 da qiao
    34 karin
    34 zhuge
    34 aragon
    34 ariel
    34 knox
    32 nezha
    32 mao song
    32 yuri
    32 leo
    32 evan
    30 5 randoms
    4 6* cakes
    bunch of eles, etc
    319 cr points
    4700 rubies 510 topaz
    199 max fodder slots, 100 max item slots
    ~20 6* jewels in stock
    10+ lord/perfect substat raid equips in stock
    arena units are well equipped, masters every week. check units in game by searching for ign 20xx
    email me at [email protected] for offers and any questions.
    lowballers wont get a reply, thanks for looking.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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