Sold Selling Selling fresh new black desert traveler's package account for only $15

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by oxhkwe24, 10/13/16.

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  1. oxhkwe24

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    Fresh new account bought 3~4 days ago.

    Original owner of the acount and bought from an offical website

    Played for like 1 hour and not my type of game to play.

    Has level 12 Sorceress and 6 ranger. nothing great fresh new account.

    Traveler's Package which is $30 USD on the website.

    Email can be changed upon request but it will take few days to change it

    Selling it for $15

    Including 7 days guest pass code and all the items in the traveler's pack

    You will have to go first unless u have more positive feedbacks than me or repped/MM on playerup. (Also willing to use MM but u will have to cover the fee.)

    I am willing to trade with DFO Gold or Cera that is equivalent to $15

    Please leave me ur skype here or pm me ur skype.

    Paypal verified only.

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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