Selling Selling Selling Fresh Global FFRK Account

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Shyaion, 11/13/17.

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  1. Shyaion

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    The Account is %80 Realm Fresh and Events are nearly untouched. 85 Mithril standing.
    USB - Lightning, Tyro, Squall, Terra, Shadow, Setzer
    OSB - Tidus, Luneth, Fang, Cid (FF13)
    BSB - Vaan, Freya, Cloud of Darkness, Y'sthola (Asylum), Yuna (Tenets of the Fayth), Vincent x2, Yda
    SSB - Cloud, Ramza (Shout), Delita, Onion Knight x2, Freya, Galuf, Beatrix, Jecht, Rikku, Raijin (Aura)
    UNIQUE - Red, Cid
    Also have great record spheres like Dr. Mogs Teachings, Mako Might, Battleforged, High Scorer and Ace Striker.

    The price is 15 USD.

    Feel free to ask me anything from Facebook.. Payment should be Paypal or Skrill. Thank you.

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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