Looking to sell my account as I don't have the time to play anymore, and have invested quite a lot of time, effort and money into the account. Server 65 - VIP 11 - 137 Days VIP-Monarch lvl 20 - 15K Gems - Top 3 alliance - R3 - 8.2m Power, KEEP 23 110K T7 ponies, 130k T8 ponies ( just begun T9 ponies 20K) just begun researching for 22 Academy upgrades. Generals: 3 Historic Generals - Raged King Lvl 20-4 Stars-506K power & Alexander the Great lvl 20-3 Stars-207K power (Sub Mayor) & Lincoln Lvl17-1 Star-311 Politics (Sub Mayor) 1 Gold General - Witch Siegel Lvl17 (Sub Mayor) 4 Purple Generals: Attila Lvl17-1 Star-(Sub Mayor) x2 Spartacus both Lvl17 and both (Sub Mayors) & Murphy Lvl14 (Sub Mayor). Currently Hold 7 Sub cities including in-house Sub City - all above Generals occupy a Sub each except for Raged King. They are as follow.... Purple Russian, Blue Japan x 4, Blue Russian and in-house Sub is Green quality. Hold various items, speed ups, resource packs, attack/defence/HP boosts of both purple and orange quality as well as March size increases etc etc Have spent around £600GBP looking for around £300GBP will think about offers if reasonable amount - if Interested please contact me VIA Line App thejokerserver65