Sold Selling selling eu s8 acc. HS♠️Magnitudo near 3.5m might 3x100 star near to be fulled

Discussion in 'Taichi Panda Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ste8110, 5/23/17.

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  1. ste8110

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    Hi all neef to reply old msg cause cant edit again and im going up.
    wts s8 eu (with king) my acc cause no more time and some other (my girl) reason.
    So char. is HS♠️Magnitudo atm 3.48m might 3x100 star nearly to be full for 4th star (need only some freeze fire ad other stupid dmg), all unique grand fortify, marshal 10 with all the best stats fulled, demigod (last one apart) fulled, best outfit with best emchant, mount tank t6 full equipped and fortified( got all for dragon if u prefer), pets (with nami and jiljab high lvl), earh clan lvl 10 an some upgrated but not enough pet in game :), gear full titan ref 15(only boots at 13), champ helm ref 15, eternal wing ref 15 lot of disc.(full taichi in bag), full q36 runes, only 4 season mark, throne ascendant title, all pets with s skill, maiden full cultivation, other near to be, splendid legendary and ancient badge(only some lowest)...ok i think thats all u can talk to me with line id bl-magnitudo or u can pm me in s8 baal char HS♠️Magnitudo your guild will be Highsociety with gold relic and like 200 tw final(always 10 sword on your head).
    Only this moth ive topped up more then 60k, u get acc with all dia card.
    just 1 thing i will be scammed just 2 times so to make the deal we can do this:
    1 step pay half with pp and i give u acc and pw
    2 step other half i give pw lvl2 and we change binded mail
    All know me in my server and u can ask to anyone so pls if u dont wsnt respect saftely rules dont contact me.
    U can have all the screen that u need just contact us:
    line id: bl-magnitudo
    or contact me in game but we need line to make the deal.
    Btw i think averyone know the price for that acc. so stay away with offer like 500€ and buy a cohort, tell me your biggest offer and i told u if we can talk or not.
    Ty and good day at all.
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