Sold Selling Selling EU Endgame Account! 33 4* Chars 14 4* Weapons!!!

Discussion in 'Sword Art Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Millena, 8/1/17.

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  1. Millena

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    Hello, i quit that Game cuz i lost interest to play it.
    I hope i find someone who is gonna take his time with it.
    Server is EU!!!!!

    4* Characters:

    Raindrop Girl Rain Lvl 80
    OS Asuna Lvl 100
    Alice V2 Lvl 100
    Summer Yuna Lvl 95
    Bride Alice Lvl 90
    SAO Silica Lvl 90
    Foxy Priestes Silica Lvl 86
    Maid Sinon Lvl 80
    Water Sinon Lvl 80
    Water Liz Lvl 80
    Maid Yuuki Lvl 80
    SAO Liz Lvl 80
    Tropical Lover Asuna Lvl 80
    Water Phila Lvl 80
    Water Leafa Lvl 80
    OS Silica Lvl 80
    Nightwear Asuna Lvl 80
    SD Silica Lvl 80
    Water Silica Lvl 80
    ALO Seven Lvl 80
    Sphica Lvl 80
    Maid Leafa 80
    Storm Mage Leafa Lvl 80
    ALO Rain Lvl 80
    OS Yuna Lvl 80
    Captive Princess Asuna Lvl 80
    Bride Leafa Lvl 80
    School Yui Lvl 80
    Swift Fast Heroine Leafa Lvl 80
    Leo Sinon Lvl 80
    Summer Princess Alice Lvl 80
    Zinnia Melody Seven Lvl 80
    Lightning Flash Asuna Lvl 80

    For weapons if asked i will provide a screenshot!

    There are currently 193 Hacking Crystals available!

    PM Me your offer!
    I Accept only Paypal as Payment Method!
    Im willing to accept middleman if you are unsure!

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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