Hello Everyone! I want to sell that account cuz i lost interest of this Game! All my Characters are Lvl 111 Except Warrior which is still Lvl 102 Keys: 14 Busrers: Iota Ultimate Gaia Ultimate Omega Ultimate Stigma +0 Pluto Ultimate Epsilon Ultimate Dark Souls: Askr Ultimate Thanatos Ultimate Shiva MAX +5 Thier Ultimate Shasha Ultimate Gigantes: Helios Ultimate Thetis +0 Transcended: 7 Dracos: TBA MAX TBS MAX TDC +0 Angels: TRavengale MAX Tllyw MAX Tkymael +0 Bodens: TSB MAX Gold Held: 538 Mio Rubies Held: 7607 T Essences: 314 FP: 38049 Payment Method: Paypal I will accept Middleman if you are unsure if i am trustworthy or not. PM Me or post here with your offer! I will only reply to realistic offers!