Hello! I'm new here but I am quitting Monster Super League for real life obligations and I am losing interest in keeping up with all the events. Account Level: 51 -All of story mode complete -Can reach Heroes but usually finish in Masters in Astromon League -Can Auto all Golems including B10 100% -Very fast farming team including double dark mona with 100% crit -Can beat Dragons B10 with 1-2 continues -Can complete all of Tower of Chaos up to floor 70 -Has 28 level 60 Astromon and does very well in clan battles Nat 5 1x Evo 2 Fire Arthur 2x Evo 2 Water Perse 1x Evo 2 Wood Indra 1x Evo 2 Wood Valk 2x Evo 1 Fire Arthur 1x Evo 2 Water Odin 1x Evo 1 Water Shiva (lawl trash) Almost all of the 60's have +15 6* gems. I also have 6* gems that just need upgrading. Pictures http://imgur.com/a/QqSRs Contact Message Japesg#9207 on Discord if you have any questions or offers. You can also post here I am trying to sell fairly quickly because I don't feel like farming bons (got my discord name wrong its japesg not japes) I can provide you with the facebook., game center, and google account associated. You can also keep me as a friend on discord in case you have any questions with the account. Since I am new we will both agree on a middleman to use in https://www.playerup.com/forums/59-Middleman-Services I will continue farming the current events until a purchase is made (Already have dark venus and working on light). Current Offer: 100 Euros Buyout: 500 Dollars Will just use offer to also pay middleman.