Rank 221 EN Main 3 Years Old - 15 UR (4 Idolized) + 17 URs Promo Idolized [The URs idolized are scorers with skill level 4, except one that is level 3] - 20 SSR (6 Idolized) - 176 SR (46 Idolized) (including some SRs Promo) - 10 SR seals & 3 SSR seals Pretty farmable: All the Songs Master and Expert lvl 10 are without full combo. Price: 110$ USD/ 90 EUR # Payment through Paypal Pm me if you are interested https://drive.google.com/open?id=12Q...DFpCch4RrPO2hK https://drive.google.com/open?id=1SN...fdM2i1ul_nKNt8