Sold Selling Selling efficient LVL 50 Athlete hybrid build

Discussion in 'Dead Frontier Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kevroo K., 8/12/17.

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  1. Kevroo K.

    Kevroo K.
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    Been playing the game for a while now, had several accounts. I no longer have any interest to play the game, so I'm willing to sell the account. It has an efficient, planned and well thought-out hybrid build that can deal with almost any situation, from looting the end zone silently with the rifle to clearing aggro out with the grenade launcher. Flexible enough to add your own flavors in still. Lots of ammo and stuff to give you a head start, pretty great items too.

    Not looking for big bucks as I don't play the game anymore. Let me know if interested and we'll set it up. I'll provide more details and what not too if need be, just let me know!
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