Selling Selling Selling East account full of various characters

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Luis Otero, 6/8/17.

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  1. Luis Otero

    Luis Otero
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    Hello there, I found it time to let this account go for good and find someone who will have fun picking up where I've left off. I will introduce each character and a little description. Tried to put screenshots of all individually with inventories, but link limit is 4, so..Yeah. I'm also trying to get around the other thread creation restrictions, so this post wont be as thorough as I wanted it to be. Note: No Gold or NX of large amounts available on any of these characters, besides items that can be sold Like devil wings, costumes, and other mystery stuff, and gear +12 weapons, 11, 10, 9 and so on because I donated a lot of things before taking a break a few months back, so you should try to get those separately from some other seller if you wanted it immediately. There's also a bunch of NX items you can see in the photos below. First up, the big boy himself:

    Chopin, the pianist.

    Jack, and his friend Jill. Kai
    Monkey, the totally not racist Karok Unless you want it to be with a camel toe so grand Nikki Minaj hides in shame.

    Werewolf, the edgy af Lann.

    Dyango, my sweet little first. Evie

    Bear, the qt Vella who I got too lazy to level.

    The Less loved, but the I wanted one of each character, characters.

    Lutenist, I was watching Space Dandy at the time Arisha

    Papa, the Sylas I never wanted

    Dimples. How you doing, gorgeous? Shield person who I hate playing

    And finally,

    Delia, she whose name can't be posted in this thread for some reason.

    And that's all of them. Big ol' happy family.

    If you've any questions, or would like to make an offer. I'll update any offers on this page. Feel free to post here first or at Luisoteroge, gmail
    Transaction will probably be done through escrow unless deemed trustworthy for another method
    I hope you like what you see!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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