Sold Selling Selling Decent DFO account

Discussion in 'Dungeon Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by removekyo, 10/24/17.

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  1. removekyo

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    rng never been on my side i think im done playing now

    things the account has:

    Battlemage1: 5/5 formal/metaline/millenium, 3/3 senses, pars golden grail, chaos earring infinite source of avarice, +12 savior spear with quesera pole
    Battlemage2: 5/5 tactical, 3/3 senses, rosetta stone, chaos earring, textbook with savior spear and quesera pole
    Mistress: 5/5 radiant gold, 3/3 senses, chaos earring, fishball, dethroned king's tear and soul devourer

    they all have rares emblems reset ring title etc

    those are the main 3, been doing luke raid with them easily, there's a bunch of characters with legendary and majesty with ng/full infinite acc/savior but special equp not great, she has babylon, pink mstone and locke

    epic frag 75~80% and plenty of souls and di on alts to run

    pm me for contact info and any questions
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