account is link to a dummy fb and is clean without any injection [Updated] Account rank now is 41 1357469 gil 25305 friend points Current progress till 4rd island Dirnado 250 unit slot notable units : 5*base noctis lightningx2 yunx2 marie Have almost all of the top rated 4* except a few which i didnt get Other unit: cecilx5 chizurux5 zidanex5 snowx3 wolx3 refiax5 lingx6 hayatex9 sevenx3 lukax4 codx2 hopex2 vanillex2 arcx5 lennax3 Celesx4 xiaox3 bartzx2 exdeath mercedes farisx5 celesx6 miyukix2 ludmilex6 bartzx5 gaffgarionx2 Agrias Freyax2 Primmx3 and many more Only 1 tmr which is kaiser knuckles from xiao Have 5 5* moogle and many of my unit have fuse with mutiple identical unit before. Pm me a resonable offer and payment via paypal