D4 (166K + str) https://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/4982179 307 lvl (1410000 + exp points) Legent I Squadron leader** 239 gold 85690 BAMs Full TG (Q4) 950 energy drinks Building: 50,100 and 200 Gold player(buyer) All house ,big amount of food,tanks,boosters,tickets on storage One active reff player(190 lvl ) 5 license 2700 overtime points D1 (94K + str) https://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/8280568 28 lvl (15047 exp points) Legendary forces* Full TG (Q4) 92 golds 16483 VEBs 162 energy drinks Some boosters on storage Building: 50 and 100 Bronze player (buyer)