Selling Selling Selling character boosting service [Remington]

Discussion in 'Wakfu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ToxicFarmLand, 12/7/17.

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  1. ToxicFarmLand

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    I offer a level boosting service for players on the Remington server.

    Character levels:
    lvl 66 -> 120 ( via lunar dungeon and whisper )

    lvl 120 -> 180 ( via havenworld pen grind )

    lvl 180 -> 200 ( via havenworld pen grind or Croc mobs )

    Each hour I charge 1.5mk or £15 ( GBP )
    I ask if possible that the leech have a booster and use wisdom potions or gear to get the most out of the time you order.
    You may use up to 3 heroes.

    Rules and requirements:
    - Don't go afk or miss fights, I wont extend your time so make sure you are completely free.
    - Have auto join on.
    - Don't have more than 300 initiative
    - I do offer account pilot but you'd need to trust me with your login info and not have your account linked to the authenticator.
    - Once money has been sent a refund is not possible.
    - Please note: You may not reach 180 from 120 in an hour, this is just how I do the boosting depending on character level.

    Contact me over on discord if you have questions or are interested. Zo#0056
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