Selling Selling Champions Online Account (Lifetime Subscriber) 4 years old account

Discussion in 'Champions Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by SirCandy, 11/7/16.

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  1. SirCandy

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    Hi im selling this account for $100 sharp. played this game since 2012, bought the lifetime in 2015.
    payment via paypal only

    i have unlocked a few travel powers, 4 travel powers i bought at zenstore, 2 or 3 travel power i unlocked through recognition.
    have 3 characters, level 40, 30 and 10. each of them has 6 retcon so you can reset your build anytime. also the level 40 has 2 vehicle and the level 10 has permanent sidekick: twin harajuku
    have 625 zen remaining, you will get a 500 zen every month in case you didnt know yet.
    for further information u may wanna add my skype: joshua.wirawan
    or you can send me a PM.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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