Sold Selling Selling c2 Asia account 10 nat 5 $85+midman or trade for midgame global

Discussion in 'Summoners War Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell' started by muerto, 10/16/17.

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  1. muerto

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    Nat 5s: praha, psama, woosa, raki, okeanos, Brandia, wind unicorn, teshar 2x, pung baek, daphnis.

    Both homu max skilled

    56 6* monsters

    Most glory maxed except light/dark attack and def etc.

    C2 arena rank

    C3 world boss.

    Quick sale at $85+midman fee or trade for a midgame global account with a LD nat 5 drags/giant's b10 and toa 100 is a must.

    Kik dead.draco
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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