Selling Bnet Acc with WoW legion, Overwatch Standar edition, and STC II WoL, LotV The wow acc has a dwarf shaman ele in Tichodrius server 866 il with 33 points spent on ele weapon. Main ele. High artifact investigation level with 45k gold and 3 wow token to be activated. No special mount or anything like that. Overwatch didn't play it much so I have nothing at all just the game HoTs , the heroes I have are Gul'dan ,Chromie, Greymane, Lunara , Artanis, Rexxar, Leoric , Johanna, kael'thas, Jaina, Anub'arak,Azmadon ,Zagara, Li Li, Tychus, Raynor, Abathur, Arthas, E.T.C., Gazlowe, Illidan ,Malfurion,Nova, Muradin, Stiches ,Tassadar, Sonya, Tyrael, Tyrande, Valla. STC WoL, and LotV I don't have kerri's xpasion All this for 180 $ ,It would be 140$ but I have 40$ on my bnet wallet. Contact me to [email protected] or send me a message trough this webpage if you're interest.