Selling Selling account with WoW legion/Overwatch/HotS/D3 items and chars

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Phogelbice, 3/27/17.

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  1. Phogelbice

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    Hey guys! I have owned this account for many many years since I started playing world of warcraft. I havent played for a long time and therefore I dont see why I shouldn't sell it since i've grown from it. Haven't played the latest expansion even though I bought Legion.

    Lvl 100 warrior
    Lvl 100 Troll Druid the one I played on the most

    A couple of other characters. Nothing special really.

    Overwatch Account ranked Diamond 3k+ 2 Golden Weapons, Reinhardt and Junkrat with lots of Legendary skins.

    Couple of legendarys on Hearthstone account. Nothing special.

    A few HoTS Characters

    And also Diablo 3 on the account

    As you see it is nothing really megaspecial and I don't ask for a high price. I'm up for offers. I of course include Secret question and email change.

    I know I have a new account on here but it is because I just started playing on Elysium server and I would like to buy a character there but I have to sell off something to justify a purchase on there.

    Add me on skype for more information.

    Johanbacklund1 on Skype
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