Selling Selling account - 2 WoW accounts, Starcraft 2, Diablo 3, HotS skins

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ParanoidRocker, 2/7/17.

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  1. ParanoidRocker

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    Hello! I’m selling my account. Have been playing WoW since late Vanilla, but now it's time for me to move on in life. The account contains:

    World of Warcraft:
    Account 1 - Up to Warlords of Dreanor.
    Characters - Ragnaros PVP, EU

    Fummle - 93 Orc Death Knight

    Paradoxxi - 100, Goblin Rouge
    Húnterseeker - 100, Troll Hunter
    Craig - 90 Blood Elf Mage
    Kruzader - 90 Undead Priest
    Nasgal - 85 Undead Warlock
    Banktransmog - 35, Orc Warrior (Bank alt for transmog gear)
    Múadib - 89 Troll Monk
    Bulledrulle - 88 Troll Druid
    Gesserit - 85 Blood Elf Paladin
    Also got 5 characters Stormscale, nothing fancy though. One 63 Shaman, one 78 Warlock, one Warrior 71, one 42 Paladin and one 82 Priest.

    Account 2 - Up to Warlords of Dreanor. (Have used this account for twinks)
    Characters - The Maelstrom PVP, EU

    Superdank - 30 Tauren Hunter

    Superganked - 24, Human Hunter
    Superwand - 44 Draenei Mage
    Supermeat - 24 Tauren Monk
    Supertzár - 70 Gnome Rogue
    Illuminatos - 53, Draenei Paladin
    Supernaut - 88 Night Elf Druid
    Fhtágn - 30 Draenei Shaman
    Superbolts - 30 Human Warlock

    Other info: Got 10.495 achievement points, 23 feats of strength. 150 Pets. 113 Mounts. 49 Toys. 23 Heirlooms. You can find out which mounts, pets and how much gold (somewhere over 100k) I have, if desired, send PM. Can add, however, that I own rare mounts such as - Invincible, Ashes of Al'ar, Blue / Green Proto-Drake, Emerald Hyppogryph, Spectral Wind Rider, Zhevra Swift, Twilight Dragon, X-53 Touring Rocket, Raven Lord. 21 Titles, such as - Light of Dawn, Starcaller, of the Iron Vanguard.

    StarCraft II
    Diablo III
    Heroes of the Storm - Skins: Master Nazeebo, Murky. Frost Wyrm Arthas, Ironclaw Rehgar, Spectre Illidan, Hellhammer Thrall, Skelethur Abathur, Zerg Hunter Zeratul, Vrykul Leoric, Apothecary Morales. 13,000 gold.

    If you are interested, send me offers here. Nothing under 170 €. My method of payment is Paypal, accepting as a gift, since it's against the terms to sell your account.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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