Sold Selling Selling an account with 2 max schools and 2 level 50 schools,30k crowns+ MORE!

Discussion in 'Wizard101 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Deflect, 12/9/16.

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  1. Deflect

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    Selling OP account for CHEAP!

    Contact - skype : winters.jake
    kik : MoshPotatoess

    The account has 30K CROWNS AND 1 YEAR OF MEMBERSHIP ON IT. I will sell for cheap. Scammers please dont even bother contacting me!

    BREIF overview

    Wizards on the account :
    1) 120 fire
    2) 110 balance
    3) 50 ice
    4) 50 storm

    The fire has EVERY GEAR PIECE that you can farm for at level 110, has some 120 gear, tons of jewels including pierce ones, AMAZING STATS, has tons of rare items like 11 ELUCIDATE TC (can be sold for $10 each)

    Balance has the best 110 gear on and amazing pvp stats + ward pet. it's a warlord in pvp

    The ice is a 1200 rank warlord for pvp, has a ward pet, 50 elixir was used but it now uses full warlord gear. AMAZING STATS

    the storm is a level 50 with insane bolt and much more including pets and design gear from the crown shop

    I HAVE SO MUCH MORE TO SAY ABOUT THIS ACCOUNT, please contact me above if interested. SELLING FOR CHEAP
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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