Selling Selling account Combat Anaconda worth 540Mil and over 800Mil total in assets

Discussion in 'Elite Dangerous Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kiril Stoynov, 1/20/17.

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  1. Kiril Stoynov

    Kiril Stoynov
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    Account information:

    -Elite Dangerous (No cobra Mk4)
    -Horizons season pass
    -Fed Reputation: I haven't completed any federal navy contracts in decades, so Cadet is my current rank. But all you have to do is complete some navy contracts and the rank will rocket fusion.
    -No paint jobs, no ship kits
    -Green firing laser

    - An Anaconda worth 540Mil outfitted for combat, I built the heaviest combat vessel I could imagine.

    - An ASP Explorer outfitted for Exploring/Jump Range with a engineered FSD drive up to 55 LY jump range worth 32 mil

    - A Keelback for mining, perfectly outfitted for mining, equipped with PRs, a fighter bay to protect you from pirates while mining and mining lasers of course. Why PRs? If you ever get into combat, jump into your fighter let your crew member take control of the keelback he will PR the heck out of your target ;)

    - A Vulture if you ever feel like taking a break from the Anaconda and have some fun in the vulture!

    -80 Mil CR in bank, enough for at least 3 rebuys of the Anaconda.
    -Combat rank: Master

    To discuss price, you can either add me on skype: k-_iri_-l
    or Email me at: [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. Goose12

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    how much ?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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