Sold Selling Selling ACC 90 Astarte and Indra, 89 Fnen, and more!

Discussion in 'Dungeon Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Durangela, 4/3/17.

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  1. Durangela

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    Account consists of :

    1. 90 Astarte
    - 5/5 Full Metal Plate Epic Set
    - +12 Reinforcement, +7 refinement 90 Epic Spear
    - +10 reinforcement, + 7 refinement 90 epic pole
    - Amnesia ring, +11 5sense bracelet, Babylonian symbol, DKT, 90 Epic necklace
    - Full rare clone avatars, rare clone avatar box
    - more epics

    2. 90 Indra with full 80 halidom

    3. 89 Fnen with 2 pc gracia

    4. Level 86 Witch, Elementalist, Rogue

    5. Level 85 Glacial Master

    6. Level 70 Fgrap, 64 Chaos.

    7. Random characters ranging from 4-48
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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