Selling AA Gold / Items / Account Prophecy EU Hi i am selling my AA Account / Items / Gold / Apex on Prophecy because i go back to Kyprosa. I am interested in Trading with Kyprosa too. My Account is a LVL 55 Primeval with nearly 5800 GS. - Epic T 6 Obisidian sword 6 gems focus - Divine Ayanad sunset bow full gemmed - 6 Ayanad leather Parts earth / squall / desert different grades and socketing - delphinad and epherium gale rings - 15 Apex - 5k Gold - Mats around 10k Gold worth These are tradeable items and i can sell them one buy one if interested. The Account has also: - T 4 Celestial obsidian dagger and shortspear - divine t 5 shield - LEGENDARY costume best stats for Archer - EPIC Cloak - 130.000 HONOR - 600 merit badges, 600 warrior medals - guild lvl 4 Maybe i forgot sth Can give you some screens if you want. Just wirte me here or contact me in Skype: Slateeeer5106 Jack Using Middleman possible