Selling Selling Selling a very large collection (worth over 1 million plat) with KS Exclusives

Discussion in 'Hex Shards of Fate Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Svenn, 7/31/17.

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  1. Svenn

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    I've got a very large collection I'm looking to sell. I have a Grand King account with a bunch other other KS codes attached as well so I have a bunch of KS exclusives including Collector's AAs, 6 Spectral Oaks, multiple copies of all of the exclusive AA/PvE cards (with equipment) and Mercs, etc. (Note: selling items, not the account itself)

    Collection value is well over 1 million platinum. I also have a bunch of packs (regular and primal), chests, GenCon exclusives (mercs and unopened GenCon Convocation packs).



    PM me offers.
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