Sold Selling Selling a very good EN Account for ToLink with some 6Star Units

Discussion in 'Tales of Pirates Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by okkulti, 8/12/17.

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  1. okkulti

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    im selling my Tales of Link Account.
    I don't use it anymore.

    It isn't a F2P account, spend around 300€ into it. So i want a bit of that money back.
    As you can see on the Pictures, there are plenty good Units.
    Also is one Fonic Crystal in the inventory to summon Van Actual Ares Realm.
    3 Goddess Orbs are left to upgrade some Arte's.
    Also some Hawk's to LB unit's.
    Also no missed Daily Login till today. Will login as long im the owner of this account.

    This Account is on Android atm. If you have iOs i can use the Hero Stones to summon on a banner you choose.
    If you are interessted pls contact me via Discord Okkulti#0654 or via this Forum.

    Payment will be over Paypal.
    Price is #.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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