Sold Selling Selling 80m gold 0.6$/1m +Selling Account(cheap)

Discussion in 'Dungeon Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by KkonaLUL, 4/20/17.

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  1. KkonaLUL

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    Lvl 88 durandal with bamboo spear + razor queen's necklace +assassin's blade ring +(more epic items in storage)
    lvl 86 shadow dancer with legendary +13 dagger
    lvl 86 F.sword master with Flare devil
    lvl 86 chaos
    + alot other charcters under 80
    + alot avatars
    and full rare clone avatar set on durandal

    will show all details with skype 60$ for account( ONLY AFTER I SELL GOLD)

    If you want to buy gold and account price will be down to 100$ for everything
    Accept only Webmoney WMZ or Bitcoin

    Pm me skype and we will talk if interested
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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