can i check if there is anyone who would want to but a 8 legend (shu, meta,bat, choi, bell, duke(got legend skin free one) ,khirel, and duran) Usually reach champion league easily but not gonna reach this season cause too busy, hence want to sell it. The legend has two legend skin bell and meta (the first one). Has most 5 star players and the one you need to clear cot. just that too lazy to build them up so i only complete cot till 42. have many new star 5 star also such as krishna, elchitusa, glayde. all the big boss except for yeon. and 21 different uq stone. also have swinsuit selena and a few other selena. 16mil gold,5800 crystals and 1600ds. Want to sell for 170usd paypal . This account also has many littres, cats and185000 frienship points,999st so you can invest flexibly. if there is interest i will post the pics here . thanks millage is 3700 email me [email protected] for pictures, as i dont often check this site and very busy with work. thanks.